Critical Thinking: Can Repression Allow A Society To Appear More Evolved Than It Is?

              The ability to think critically is important in everyday life but becomes especially important when making decisions about social or political issues. And as some people become more aware of the many injustices and inequalities present in our society, this ability also allows us to see beyond such differences and recognize those things we share in common as human beings. But let’s take a closer look at how repression can allow a society to appear more evolved than it is:

             A good example of this has existed for quite some time now: While women were once mostly relegated to their homes and not allowed into professions outside the home, they have made significant progress towards having an equal say through legislative means (representation). Even though women continue to fight for equality in the workplace and other social settings, many people would say that our society is generally accepting of women.

             These ideas are not limited to gender though: Ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion have similarly been used as justifications for persecution throughout history. And even though such attitudes continue to be reflected in some societies today – often more subtly than before – they also continue to lose their hold on the majority of citizens over time.

             Despite these strides towards equality, there are still problems that affect all minority groups. Discrimination is still a problem today due to racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., but perhaps most significantly because of one’s economic class. Where differences in social classes once led to distinct racial boundaries between wealthy (white) and poor (black), today the growing disparity between the wealthy and impoverished has begun to create new boundaries.

             This is because while there are still many individuals who are concerned about other people’s equality, there are also many who ignore these issues. Some may argue that by ignoring social inequalities (except in large groups like protests) people can help make society better without sacrificing their financial comfort, but others say that this only perpetuates stagnancy for all involved.

I hope I was able to prove true at least one of my arguments: That repression can allow a society to appear more evolved than it is. And since oppression often leads to violence, this needs to be taken into serious consideration when making decisions about how we move forward.

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              The ability to think critically is important in everyday life but becomes especially important when making decisions about social or political issues. And as some people become more aware of the many injustices and inequalities present in our society, this ability also allows us to see beyond such differences and recognize those things we share…